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Registration and Submissions

Save the dates and be a part of this conference. Make sure to complete your online registration before September 25th to enjoy a reduced fee. The inscription fee includes access to all the conference sessions, coffee breaks and lunch.

Deadlines and fees

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Note: Students and Research Assistants should attest their status by submitting their student card or other equivalent document.



Cancellation policy

Cancellations must be required via email to Refunds will be made with a penalty of 20% for cancellations from September 1st to October 8th. Late cancellations (after October 8th) will be refunded with a 50% penalty.

Instructions for registration and submissions

1) Sign up HERE. You will receive a confirmation email to finish your sign up.

2) After logging in, select the event "International Conference on Mediterranean Diet and Gastronomy".
3) On the right side of the page, choose "Register" and then "Confirm Registration".
4) (Optional, if you want to submit abstract) On the right side of the page choose "Submit Abstract".
5) Once the registration has been confirmed and the payment has been made, select the "Confirm Payment" option where you will be asked for the billing data and where you should upload the proof of payment.


Submissions should be written in English and should include:


- Title

- Abstract (150 to 250 words)

- Keywords (3 to 5)

- Authors' names and affiliation


We kindly remind authors that registration on the conference must be concluded by September 25, 2018. Any abstract with no registered author will be excluded from the final programme.



Important dates

Deadline for submissions (new date!): Oral Presentations: closed!; Poster Presentations: September 5th

Deadline for confirmation of acceptance: September 15th

International Conference on Mediterranean Diet and Gastronomy Linking Innovation, Sustainability and Health

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